Kenny Bowers : Chef, Artist, Philanthropist
Creating restaurants with tasty food and over-the-top hospitality has been my life and passion for over thirty years. The wonderful guests and fantastic teams have created so many cherished memories. What an incredible journey it has been, and I am truly grateful for every moment! After years of expressing my creativity in this way, I wanted to explore and discover new avenues for creative expression.
One of my mentors suggested I try painting, my reply was, “You mean like the house?" He laughed and said no, I mean with a canvas and a brush…. I have always loved collecting art and of course working with my hands, so I thought why not give it a go. I immediately ran out and bought paints and canvas and started experimenting.
Fortunately for me, I have a very dear friend who is an artist, and she was able to help me get going. The best advice she gave me, which I heard repeatedly, is that rule number one in art is that “there are no rules!” Being the rebellious rule breaker that I am, I thought, no rules! Wow, this art thing is right up my alley, and I was off to the races!
Another friend suggested I start selling my work in my restaurants, so I chose the Wood Fired Grill to start displaying them. Accepting money from people did not feel right for me, so I thought, why not give 100% of the money to people in need. I chose the kids at St. Jude Children’s Hospital, where families never receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing, or food.
What started as a genuine but small expression of myself has turned into a wonderful and exciting part of my life! As of the fall of 2024, we have sold over 250 of my paintings and raised over $56,000 for the kids at St. Jude.
I am grateful to be able to share these inspirations with you, and I am honored that you have taken the time to read my story.
With gratitude and deep appreciation,
Kenny Bowers